Packaging Division
Alcos in its long history, spanning more than 35 years, has developed a series of technologies of the highest standards for the packaging of foods, both hot and aseptic, for “end user”, as well as, for customers in the industrial sector, for a very considerable number of food products as:
- Concentrated and Tomato Sauce;
- Sauces, Creams and Vegetables Conserved;
- Soft Drinks;
- Fruits Turbid and Clarified Juices, and Fruit Concentrates;
- Fruits and Vegetables Cubed and Chopped;
- Marmelades and Jams;
- Olive, Sunflower, Corn and Soya Oil;
- Conserved Fish;
- In Oil and Pickles Food Stuffs;
- Soft Cheese;
- Milk, Yoghurt and Dairy products;
- Bases for Ice-Creams;
- Liquid Eggs;

The plants that Alcos is capable of providing directly on its development and project are: